Are you the parent of an adult child living with addictions?

You Are Not Alone

Harm Reduction, Relapse Prevention & Overdose Awareness

Mothers Aligned Against Addictions is a non-profit support organization for parents whose adult children are living with mental health and addiction challenges (concurrent disorders).

We are parents who have supported our own children with these challenges – we have personally travelled this journey. We understand the challenges and the stresses on families, but we also know there is hope and recovery is possible. 

Empower Support Influence

Our objective is to provide support, positively influence and mentally empower parents of adult children living with addictions and mental health challenges.

  • By providing a compassionate atmosphere that is confidential and free from judgement.

  • By acknowledging the importance of healthy conversations.

  • By offering peer support through private and group sessions.

  • By focusing on teaching the benefits of harm reduction, relapse prevention and overdose awareness.

  • By promoting the importance of self-care and how it relates to preventing the onset of serious health issues.

  • By recognizing the urgency to combat stigma and discrimination that destroys relationships and takes life’s.

“I didn’t know how to navigate the system; I was totally lost...”

To all the parents who have cried alone, feared that dreaded phone call, who have endured the hurtful words of family and friends, or lacked the support they needed...  My heart breaks for you. You are a survivor, a warrior. I'm sorry our world has failed to embrace you when you needed it most.

It is absolutely heartbreaking to see how the negative societal stigmas surrounding substance abuse have tragically resulted in a lack of support and understanding within our very own communities when parents are most vulnerable and in need of help.

I created this space to help combat the feelings of fear, loneliness, shame and desperation.  Please take care of yourself, know you are not alone and that you are incredibly important.  If you can find the time, please consider joining us for one of our online workshops.   It's okay to take a moment to breathe, to take a step back, and to focus on caring for yourself.

- Donna Ramelan

Founder Mothers Aligned Against Addictions Mentor & Coach.


Our children are dying on the streets, in abandoned houses, in tents, in the homes of friends and sometimes even family. 

We need to raise awareness of the signs of overdose, promote the importance of harm reduction & relapse prevention and battle to stop the stigma that silences the weak.

Without Vision We Perish

— Mothers Aligned Against Addictions (MAAA)